体液检验 生化检验免疫检验 微生物类 血液检验 输血管理


时间:2010-11-07 14:36来源:幸福检验 整理 点击:

【摘要】  目的 分析不同ELISA试剂在血液筛查梅毒的结果。 方法 使用全自动加样仪和酶免分析仪,分别用不同厂家ELISA试剂对血标本做梅毒螺旋体抗体筛查,阳性标本用TPPA试剂确诊。结果 2006—2008年共检测标本86788份,ELISA检测阳性476份,经TPPA确认阳性235份,真阳性率0.271%,假阳性率0.278%。 结论 采用灵敏度高、特异性好的试剂,切实做好无偿献血者梅毒血清筛查工作,进一步提高血液质量,确保输血安全;对梅毒筛查阳性的献血者,采用TPPA试剂确认,保障献血者的利益。 

【关键词】  血液筛查;梅毒螺旋体抗体; ELISA 检出率

作者:孙昂,罗志红,彭海波    作者单位:414000 湖南岳阳,岳阳市中心血站

The examination result of microspironema pallidum antibody by different ELISA reagent   

      SUN Ang, LUO Zhi-hong, PENG Hai-bo.The Central Blood Station of Yueyang City, Hunan 414000,China

     【Abstract】  Objective  To analyze the examination result of microspironema pallidum antibody by different ELISA reagents.Methods  Blood samples were treated with automatic sample and automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer, and examined by different ELISA reagents for screening of anti-TP and positive samples were confirmed by TPPA reagents.Results  Since 2006 year to 2008 year, 86,788 blood’s samples were examined by ELISA reagent, 476 blood’s samples were positive and were confirmed by TPPA, 235 blood’s samples which confirmed by TPPA were positive, the true positive rate of 0.271%, the false positive rate of 0.278%.Conclusion  Anti-TP is examined with high sensitivity and good specificity reagents, and done good job in examining blood donors for syphilis serum work, can further improve the quality of blood and ensure blood transfusion safety. Anti-TP positive blood donors are confirmed by TPPA reagents can protect the benefits of blood donors.


      【Key words】  blood examination; Anti-TP; ELISA; detection rate



      1  材料与方法 

      1.1  标本来源  2006年1月1日—2008年12月31日岳阳市无偿献血者86788人,符合《献血者健康检查标准》。

      1.2  主要仪器  STAR全自动样本处理系统(瑞士HAMILTON公司),FAME全自动酶免分析系统(瑞士HAMILTON公司),HTⅢ扫描酶标仪(奥地利ANTHOS公司)。 

      1.3  试剂  梅毒螺旋体抗体初复检用ELISA 试剂盒A、B均为国产试剂,确认用TPPA试剂盒(日本富士瑞必欧株式会社)。所有试剂均经中国药品生物制品检定所批检合格,在有效期内使用。

      1.4  方法  用两种ELISA试剂分别检测无偿献血者血液标本中是否存在梅毒螺旋体抗体,所有操作均严格按试剂使用说明书进行。两种试剂均阳性的标本不复检,一种试剂阴性另一种试剂阳性的,采用2孔复查,以复查结果为准。对结果呈阳性的标本(两种试剂阳性,1种试剂阴性1种试剂阳性),均用TPPA试剂进行确认。 
