【摘要】 目的: 评价两种国产CA199化学发光试剂盒的检测结果。方法: 对54例高、中、低值的CA199阳性以及30例CA199阴性的血清用两种国产发光试剂盒以及Beckman发光试剂盒进行CA199检测,从准确性、精密度、阳性率以及预期值等方面与Beckman试剂进行比对。结果: 国产A和B试剂盒的CA199结果在准确性和精密度上与Beckman结果有一定差异。国产A试剂盒的CA199阳性率、阳性预期值和阴性预期值与Beckman结果无明显差异(P>0.05)。当以说明书上参考范围为阳性判断标准时,国产B试剂盒CA199阳性率和阳性预期值与Beckman结果有明显差异(P<0.01)。但是当以>24 U/ml为阳性判断标准时,国产B试剂盒CA199阳性率、阳性预期值和阴性预期值均为100%。国产A试剂盒和国产B试剂盒的CA199结果与Beckman的结果有明显的相关性(r=0.94,P<0.01;r=0.89,P<0.01)。结论: 国产试剂的CA199结果与Beckman结果存在明显相关性,在阳性率、诊断效率上可以与进口试剂相媲美,符合临床要求,可以替代进口产品。 【关键词】 糖类抗原199; 化学发光; 国产产品; 进口产品; 评价 作者:安仙园 作者单位:(上海华东疗养院检验科,江苏 无锡 214065) 幸福检验网www.xf366.com感谢作者对论文的分享! Evaluation of domestic CA199 chemiluminescence assay kits AN Xianyuan (Department of Clinical Laboratory, Huadong Sanatorium, Wuxi Jiangsu 214065, China) [Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the assay results of two domestic CA199 chemiluminescence assay kits. Methods: 54 CA199-positive sera with high, middle or low value and 30 CA199negative sera were separately detected by two domestic CA199 chemiluminescence assay kits and Beckman CA199 kit. The CA199 results of domestic kits were compared with Beckman kit from accuracy, precision, positive rate and predictive value. Results: The CA199 results of accuracy and precision of domestic kit A and B had a certain degree of difference with those of Beckman, respectively. The positive rate, the positive predictive value and the negative predictive value of domestic kit A CA199 kit had no difference with that of Beckman(P>0.05). Using the reference value in manual as the criterion, the CA199 positive rate and the positive predictive value of domestic kit B were obviously lower than that of Beckman(P<0.01). But using above 24U/ml as the criterion, the positive rate, CA199 positive and negative predictive value of domestic kit B were all 100%. The CA199 results of domestic kit A and B were conspicuous correlation with that of Beckman, respectively(r=0.94,P<0.01;r=0.89,P<0.01). Conclusion: There are manifest correlations between the CA199 results of domestic assay kits and that of Beckman, which can comparable with the imported CA199 assay kits in positive rate and diagnostic and meet the clinical requirement and can substitute imported products. [Key words] carbohydrate antigen 199; chemiluminescence; domestic product; imported product; evaluation 糖类抗原199(carbohydrate antigen 199,CA199)是诊断胃肠道肿瘤特别是胰腺和胆道肿瘤的一个很好的标志[1-2]。CA199的检测方法有很多种,其中化学发光分析方法越来越受到临床的重视和欢迎。目前CA199的化学发光检测试剂大多需要进口,成本较高。然而这种状态正在被打破,CA199检测试剂的国产化速度正在加快。本文对目前市场上应用较多的两种国产CA199试剂的检测结果进行比较,并与进口Beckman结果比对,以期了解国产CA199试剂的性能。 1 材料与方法 1.1 血清标本 收集我院体检人员中已用Beckman化学发光CA199试剂测定后的血清标本,共84例,-86℃保存。其中Beckman检测结果阳性(>37 U/ml)的标本54例,阴性的标本30例。阳性标本结果的具体分布范围:37~74 U/ml,20例;75~111 U/ml,20例;>111 U/ml,14例。 |