【摘要】 目的: 研究伤寒沙门菌ssrB基因在氧应激早期对其他基因表达的调节。方法: 通过同源重组的方法利用自杀质粒制备伤寒沙门菌ssrB基因缺陷变异株;采用伤寒沙门菌全基因组芯片比较野生株和ssrB基因缺陷变异株在氧应激早期的基因表达差异,并对其中部分表达差异基因进行实时定量PCR验证;利用HeLa细胞进行细菌侵袭实验,研究ssrB基因对伤寒沙门菌侵袭能力的影响。结果: 成功制备伤寒沙门菌ssrB基因缺陷变异株;基因芯片结果分析显示,在氧应激早期,与野生株相比,伤寒沙门菌ssrB基因缺陷变异株有68个基因表达下调,有20个基因表达上调,其中与侵袭相关的基因表达下调。实时定量PCR与芯片结果一致。ssrB基因缺陷变异株侵袭上皮细胞的能力仅为野生株的34.6%。结论: SsrB在伤寒沙门菌氧应激早期对基因表达起重要调节作用,并且能够增强伤寒沙门菌侵袭上皮细胞的能力。 【关键词】 伤寒沙门菌; ssrB; 氧应激; 基因芯片; 侵袭
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the regulation of ssrB on gene expression of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) at earlystage of oxidative stress. Methods: The ssrB deleted mutant of S. Typhi was generated through homologous recombination mediated by suicide plasmid; the gene expression profiles of the wildtype strain and the ssrB deleted mutant at earlystage of oxidative stress was investigated by genomic microarray assay; qRTPCR was performed to further validate the results of microarray assay. The HeLa cells were invaded by S. Typhi to explore the influence of ssrB on invasion of epithelial cells. Results: The ssrB deleted mutant of S. Typhi was prepared successfully;analysis of genomic assay showed that, compared to the wildtype strain, 68 genes were upregulated and 20 genes were downregulated in the ssrB deleted mutant at early stage of oxidative stress. The results of qRTPCR assay were consistent with the results of microarray assay. The ability of the ssrB deleted mutant to invade the epithelial cells was only 34.6% of the wildtype strain. Conclusion: SsrB of S. Typhi play an important role in regulating gene expression at early stage of oxidative stress and enhanced the ability of S. Typhi to invade epithelial cells.
[Key words] Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi; ssrB; oxidative stress; gene microarray; invasion
伤寒沙门菌(Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi,S. Typhi)是一种经消化道感染后可引起全身系统性感染的重要的人类致病菌[1]。伤寒沙门菌在从外界环境进入宿主环境的过程中需要面对一系列不利条件,适应不断变化的宿主环境, 例如,从酸应激到碱应激,从高渗应激到低渗应激以及多种形式的氧应激和大量的抗菌肽应激[2]。宿主细胞内的活性氧,如超氧化物和过氧化氢可以破坏细菌的DNA、蛋白质和细胞膜从而抵御细菌的入侵[3]。应对细胞内的氧应激环境对伤寒沙门菌成功感染宿主具有重要意义[4-5]。
伤寒沙门菌需要及时感应宿主环境中的各种信号分子,精细地调控自身毒力基因的表达。SsrAB双组分调控系统是伤寒沙门菌中与调节毒力基因相关的系统,编码该系统的ssrA、ssrB基因位于伤寒沙门菌致病岛-2(SPI2)上。其中ssrA是感应蛋白,属于胞质—细胞膜感应蛋白BvgS家族[6];SsrB为调节蛋白,具有一个接收域和一个螺旋—转角—螺旋DNA结合域[7]。已有研究证实,在鼠伤寒沙门菌(Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium,S. Typhimurium) 中,在低镁和酸应激的条件下,ssrB可调控多个毒力基因的表达。伤寒沙门菌与鼠伤寒沙门菌具有较高的同源性,在伤寒沙门菌中,在氧应激条件下ssrB是否参与基因表达调节是个值得关注的问题。本研究拟通过同源重组的方法利用自杀质粒制备伤寒沙门菌ssrB基因缺陷株,并通过基因组芯片技术比较野生株和缺陷株的基因表达差异,研究ssrB基因在氧应激条件下对其他基因表达的调节。