The Complex Folding Network of Single Calmodulin Molecules
Direct observation of the detailed conformational fluctuations of a single protein molecule en route to its folded state hasso far been realized only in silico. We have used single-molecule force spectroscopy to study the folding transitions of singlecalmodulin molecules. High-resolution optical tweezers assays in combination with hidden Markov analysis reveal a complexnetwork of on- and off-pathway intermediates. Cooperative and anticooperative interactions across domain boundaries can beobserved directly. The folding network involves four intermediates. Two off-pathway intermediates exhibit non-native interdomaininteractions and compete with the ultrafast productive folding pathway.
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领导这一研究的是德国慕尼黑工业大学生物物理系主任Matthias Rief博士,这位年轻的生物物理学家在物理学和生物学的跨学科领域取得不少重要成果,为生物学研究提供了一些重要的新工具,研究论文多次发表在Science杂志上。